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Been wearing the same ‘ol, same ‘ol for a while?  Well here are some styles that will work for your workplace!  I’ve included models of different sizes to give you ideas!

I’ve paired some basic pieces & outfits that you can add a blazer or sweater to if needed to make it look more professional (or if your office is cold).

Statement necklace sets paired with basic pieces for impact.

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Expressing your creativity through accessories can be fun & easy!  385001 20workchic.com

Take the most straightforward pieces from blah to Brava!

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Here’s a diagram I found that gives good insight for proper office attire.  Take a look at the don’t section.  #1 is too low-cut & the straps are inappropriate.  #2 is too busy with pattern & a bit too close cut.  #3 appears to be a swimsuit coverup (you may be able to redeem that one with a red blazer & belt if you wear pumps).  #4 is along the same lines.  Keep in mind that when you belt a dress, the hemline should still fall at the knee or 1″ above, max.  If not, when you sit down, it’ll all be on display!Picture1

This is a perfect ensemble for work (the shoes may be a hazard depending on the flooring.  Keep them modest so your feet aren’t sore, bleeding or swollen by the end of the day).


So, what if you’re new & you don’t know what in the world you CAN wear?   I’ve worked in offices before & I’ll be honest.  Sometimes finding the “office climate” for your attire can be challenging.  Some people wear this, others wear that.  There are a few ways to figure out what you should be wearing in your office.

1. Ask your boss!  Poll your coworkers.  This is presuming you work with a normal set of people (no pervs, social climbers, nut jobs or someone completely unengaged with their workplace).

2. Observe what others wear & their position in the company.  Who is the most tastefully dressed?  Who is doing well in the company & their attire is always praised?  Now, be careful!  I don’t mean “that chick”.  You know, the office pin-up.  If you want to keep your job, don’t become a liability to the company.  Can you say “Sexual Harassment Lawsuit”?

3. Ask HR.  Their job is to help you figure out what’s ok & what’s a little out there for your workplace.

I hope you enjoyed these ideas.  If you’d like to order any of the accessories listed, hit me up below!